Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dysfunction Junction

Today I had to explain to a worker from Jamaica what "Dysfunctional Vaginal Syndrome" was. Actually she just keeps bleeding. I was cracking up, what will they come up with next? I finally said to her "Well, you've heard of dysfunctional families? You have a dysfunctional vagina. She LOST it.

I couldn't get her to stop laughing long enough to sign out. She stopped by the desk, still laughing and said "I can't wait to tell them at home about Dysfunctional American vagina's"!
The charge nurse overheard this, stopped what she was doing and just stared. As she left us this giggling patient gave me a big hug and said "I never forget you" As she walked away I said to the charge nurse "You had to be there" Of course what I didn't share was that I told her in America we tell our girls that a vagina is called a musn't-touch-it