Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I work on a post cardiovascular and thoracic step down unit so I had to get my Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification 6 months after beginning work. The class was amazing. We were in a university simulation lab running codes on computerized dummies. The instructors sat outside the room and control them, made them stop breathing,go into change rhythms and even talk to us. We ran code scenarios until we were blue in the face. I felt sooooo much better about the whole thing when I left. I was pumped. Up until then I was really scared that someone would code and I would not handle it well because I really didn't have a clear picture of what to do. I had pumped chests and bagged people while working as a tech in an emergency department but never functioned as the nurse. The next week after my class I told my managers how much I enjoyed it and how great I felt. Shortly after that the monitor room called me and said "go look at room....... He just had 4 beats of V-Tach" as I rounded the corner I glanced at the monitor and saw sustained V-Tach. My charge nurse was right there and I yelled " grab the code cart" . Mean while I'm thinking " this is it.. okay, V-Tach, think, think,, check a pulse.." and BAM.. 5 of us go bursting into his room, blazing glory, code cart and all. The man's eyes were as big as baseballs , sitting there asymptomatic as could be, watching t.v. looking at us like " what the hell?". We asked him if he felt okay, he said yes, we told him we had to check his vital signs and hook him up to the monitor. As we are doing all this he starts asking what is happening,gets really scared, and starts to cry. We look at the monitor and its reading sinus rhythm. " Sir I say, your heart looked like it was having some irregular beats which can be dangerous and we had to hook you up for your safety, it looks like everything is okay but I'm going to review your rhythm strips and see what happened. Turned out to be really wierd artifact that from a distance on the monitor looked like V-Tach. My manager looked at me and said "I know you liked the ACLS class, but don't be bringing it back with you." We all laughed. Finally my patient laughed. I told him " well at least you know if something did go wrong we would be all over it!" Glad it was a false alarm.......that time....

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